Belief & Technique for Modern Prose or Poetry or Whatever You’re Writing

This entry for A Writer’s Diary has an accompanying podcast episode on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and other places, too.

You can listen to more episodes of A Writer’s Diary here. Guest submissions are currently closed but may open soon (or in the fall?).

  1. All of life is the writing life.

  2. We write to belong to ourselves, others, the divine, and the world.

  3. We write to become more of who we were made to be.

  4. We write to discover.

  5. Curiosity can be your friend.

  6. Comparison can be your enemy.

  7. Rituals make everything better.

  8. Take more notes.

  9. Retreat often.

  10. Read most days.

  11. Take six deep breaths with a six-count inhale and a six-count exhale before you read, write, or pray.  (If you want. No pressure.)

  12. Remember your body.

  13. The writing life and the spiritual life are the same.

  14. Writer's block isn't real, so don't use it as an excuse not to write, read, or take notes.

  15. Try reading or taking notes if you don't know what to write.

  16. Take more naps.

  17. No. You don't need to write every day.

  18. No one is telling you that you can't write today.

  19. Put yourself in the way of art and other nourishing things.

  20. If you want to establish a regular writing practice, try writing for at least 15 minutes most days.

  21. More can happen in 15 minutes than you think.

  22. Don't write something you've already read.

  23. Let your unique story, circumstances, and experiences inform fresh angles and new explorations.

  24. If you are depleted in other areas, your writing practice will suffer.

  25. Nourish your mind, body, and soul to move closer to the writing life you want.

  26. Don't let your publishing self interfere with your writing self.

  27. When your publishing self interferes with your writing self, begin again.

  28. You can always move a bit closer to the writing life you want.

  29. Ignore the rules and advice that don't help you move closer to the writing life you want.

  30. Always, we begin again.

This list was inspired by Jack Kerouac’s “Belief & Technique for Modern Prose.” Want to make your own list? Read the May 1, 2023 Daily Nourishment for inspiration and a bit of guidance.

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